Monday, January 7, 2013

First Day!

Today is the first day of my sixth semester at ASU. I'm finishing up my junior year and couldn't say I'd be any prouder of myself than where I am now. Sure, I've struggled through some tough courses but who doesn't? I'm glad that I'm content in my current internship at H&R Block and I think it will help me in the long run to get a better position when I graduate. I'm hoping to do super well in my Business Statistics class this semester. Finishing this upcoming 18 credit hour semester with no less than excellent grades is on the top of my priority list for these upcoming months.  

Last night, Alaric and I printed out our major maps and highlighted our completed courses and hung them up on the wall. It was a nice way to motivate ourselves for this upcoming semester. 

Look's like I still have a lot of work to do.

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